Analog Output

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Supported Targets: E407

General information about Analog Output

An 'Analog Output' block sets the 12-bit digital to analog conversion on the selected pin.





Block inputs (inports)

The value that needs to be converted to an analog voltage on the pin. This is a value from 0 to 4095 representing a voltage from 0 to 3.3V or 0.806mV per bit. The data type is uint16.

Block parameters

Parameter Description
Output pin The output pin to be used for the voltage output. Select one from the list. A warning will appear when the pin is already in use in another block.
Sample time Sample time of the block. The Sample time (in seconds) defines the rate at which the block is visited by the real-time scheduler of the target. The value of the Sample time has to be an integer multiple of the base sample time of the model.

See Also

Analog Input