Digital Input

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Supported Targets: Olimexino, E407, P405

General information about Digital Input

A 'Digital Input' block reads the input level of the selected pin. If the input level is high, '1' is the output, otherwise '0'.





Block outputs (outports)

A boolean value that indicates the state of the pin. If the voltage on the pin comes below the 'low level voltage' the output will switch to 0 and if it comes above the 'high level voltage' it will switch to 1. Please check the datasheet for the voltage levels.

Block parameters

Parameter Description
Input pin The input pin to be used for the digital input. Select one from the list. A warning will appear when the pin is already in use in another block.
Configuration The configuration to be used. There are three options:

- Floating, the pin will not connected in any way to ground or 3.3V
- Pull up, the pin will be connected to ground through a pull-down resistor
- Pull down, the pin will be connected to 3.3V through a pull-up resistor

Sample time Sample time of the block. The Sample time (in seconds) defines the rate at which the block is visited by the real-time scheduler of the target. The value of the Sample time has to be an integer multiple of the base sample time of the model.

See Also

Analog Input