Driver manual

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General information about Driver manual

The driver manual model actuates accelerator and brake pedal (signals) to realize the desired vehicle speed cycle and apply the shift control for manual transmissions through clutch and gear control.



Bus Selector for module input


Module output

Node Variable Label Description Unit
Sensor vvehicle Chassis_vVehAct_mps Vehicle velocity m/s
Transm_nrGearAct Transmission gear number -
ωin Transm_nInAct_radps Transmission input speed rad/s
Clu_flgConnected_B Clutch status (disengaged or engaged) boolean
Drv_AccrPedl_Rat Drive accelerator pedal rate ratio (0-1)
Drivecycle drivecycle_time_speed Driveycle time and speed -

Module Parameter

Variable Parameter Description Unit
dat.clutchtime.value Time from start of pressing the clutch pedal to start of releasing the clutch pedal s Time constant for pressing the clutch pedal -
dat.clutchtime.close.value Time constant for releasing the clutch pedal -
dat.clutchtime.driveaway.value Time from start of releasing the fully pressed clutch pedal to fully released clutch pedal at drive away s
Kp dat.controller.p.value Proportional constant for PID controller -
Ki dat.controller.i.value Integral constant for PID controller -
Kd dat.controller.d.value Derivative constant for PID controller -
Kw dat.controller.k.value Anti wind up constant for integrator if speed cannot be tracked even though accelerator pedal is fully pressed -