HANtune Development Procedures

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This page contains information about the development procedures which are used by the developers of HANtune.

Project Management

During the development of HANtune also our development procedures have evolved. However the usage of Trac has been adopted from a very early stage. Trac is an online environment which provides an online Wiki, ticketing system, code repositories and more. It hosts all the basic needs for a software development team. We are using repositoryhosting.com to host the repositories of HANtune, HANcoder and various other projects.

HANtune Release Strategy

More info will follow shortly...

SCRUM Methodology

More info will follow shortly...

Ticket Flow

The HANtune ticketflow is dedicated to the environment in which HANtune is being developed. It can be modified in the HANtune project which can be found in Trac. Open the HANtune project, klick on "Admin" and click on "Ticket flow".

Below a visual representation can be found for the HANtune ticketflow. For exact details, please refer to the textual version under the following picture.

HANtune Ticket Flow

The current configuration in text looks like the textbox below:

leave = new,assigned,accepted,reopened,closed,needs work,implementing,automating tests,testing -> *
leave.name = Leave (does not change ticket resolution)
leave.default = 11
leave.operations = leave_status
leave.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
accept = new,assigned,reopened -> accepted
accept.name = Accept and take ownership of this ticket
accept.default = 10
accept.operations = set_owner_to_self
accept.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
implement = accepted,needs work -> implementing
implement.name = Ready to start implementing
implement.default = 9
implement.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
test = implementing -> testing
test.name = Implemented, ready for testing
test.default = 8
test.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
pass = testing -> automating tests
pass.name = Passed Testing, start automation of test
pass.default = 7
pass.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
fail = testing -> needs work
fail.name = Failed Testing, return to developer
fail.default = 6
fail.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
reassign = new,assigned,accepted,reopened,closed,needs work,implementing,automating tests,testing -> *
reassign.name = Assign
reassign.default = 5
reassign.operations = set_owner
reassign.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
reopen = closed -> reopened
reopen.name = Reopen this ticket
reopen.default = 4
reopen.operations = del_resolution
reopen.permissions = TICKET_CREATE
close = automating tests -> closed
close.name = Automated tests work and are verified, close ticket
close.default = 3
close.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
discard = new,assigned,accepted,reopened,closed,needs work,implementing,automating tests,testing -> closed
discard.name = Discard ticket (mention reason in comments!!)
discard.default = 2
discard.permissions = TICKET_CREATE
reject = accepted -> new
reject.name = Reject (Reject ownership)
reject.default = 1
reject.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY


During the development of HANtune several tools are used.


Netbeans is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which is used to write the source code of HANtune. Please download the latest version here: netbeans.org/


To be able to use an SVN repository an SVN Client is needed. TortoiseSVN is an SVN client which can be used to commit and update your changes to and from the code repository. For more info on where to download and how to work with TortoiseSVN, please go to their website.