HANcoder/Training Material/AutomaticLightControlSystem/5

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LED Control System Part 5

Part 5: Adding an output to the model

Now we’ll go back to our model in Simulink to add an output. Using a PWM signal, we want to change the intensity of the LED that’s connected to the sensor shield. To generate a PWM output signal, we’ll need to add to function blocks. The first block is used to configure the PWM signal and the second block is used to generate a PWM signal on a specific output pin. Open the Library Browser in Simulink. Navigate to HANcoder STM32 Target  Olimexino STM32  PWM Outputs. On the right side of the library browser, you’ll find two blocks: PWM Duty Cyble and PWM Init.


Figure 17 Library Browser PWM Output

Drag both blocks into your model. Double click the PWM Init block to configure the PWM module. The LED is connected to output D0. This output can also be used as a communication data line. In that case it’s the RX line. On the sensor shield the fifth large pin should be labeled, RX and TX. By connecting the LED to this pin, the intensity of the LED can be changed when a PWM signal is provided to pin D0. Select the correct PWM module that contains pin D0.


Figure 18 PWM Module selection

  Now, the PWM module has been configured. All we have to do now, is selecting the channel we want to generate the PWM signal on.

The PWM module we want to select is: TIM2: D2 & D3 & n/a & D0. If we want to generate a PWM signal on D2, we would have to activate Channel 1. For D3, we would have to activate Channel 2 etc. Because we want to generate a signal on pin D0, we need to activate Channel 4.


Figure 19 PWM channel selection

Click OK to apply the changes. Now everything has been configured properly so that we can generate a PWM signal with the PWM Duty Cycle block. Open the configuration of this block by double clicking it. Select the correct Output pin and press OK.


Figure 20 PWM port selection

  The output of the PWM we want to change using HANtune. Therefor we need to create a parameter that we can manipulate with HANtune. Our model sees a parameter as a constant value. With HANtune, we can only change this constant value, to another constant value accordingly. Because it is seen as a constant value, you’ll need to add a Constant parameter to the model. Open the Library Browser in Simulink and drag a Constant block into the model. The Constant block is a commonly used block and can be found under Simulink  Commonly Used Blocks. Connect the output of the Constant block to the input of the PWM block.


Figure 21 Library Browser Constant

Now, open the block by double clicking it and name the parameter Constant Value to something logical. In this example, we’ll use the name “LED_DutyCycle” for this parameter. The name that you gave this parameter should now appear in HANtune. It is useful to know what the function of this parameter is.


Figure 22 Constant Block value

This parameter is able to send out a PWM signal, so that we can change the LED’s intensity from 0% to 100%. The digital value that is being sent to the PWM block, goes from 0 to 1023 (digital resolution), which translates to a duty cycle of 0% to 100%. This information is also described in the PWM block. Because the PWM needs an integer of 0 to 1023, you’ll need to determine which data type needs to be sent to from the Constant block to the PWM block. By changing the Output data type to uint16, we can send the correct data type to the PWM block.


Figure 23 Constant Block output data type

Build your model. Simulink will ask which number you want your constant to be by default. By default, Simulink will give it a value of 0. Click OK and wait for Microboot to load up flash the program to the Olimexino. Because changes have been made to the program in the microcontroller, you’ll need to unload and reload the ASAP2 file in HANtune. Double click the ASAP2 file to unload it, then doubleclick it again to load the updated version. Now, go to ASAP2 elements, where you’ll see that the parameter LED_DutyCycle has been added to the list of parameters. Drag the parameter LED_DutyCycle onto your dashboard and make it a SliderEditor. Change the range of the SliderEditor to the same maximum resolution as that of the PWM block. (1023) Connect het Olimexino by pressing (F5) and change the intensity of the LED with the slider in HANtune. Make sure to move the slider itself, which is positioned on the right side of the SliderEditor block.

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