MATLAB Interface

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HANtune can be interfaced with MATLAB® (and by extension Simulink®). We can do this by using the MATLAB engine and calling it from a script.

The scripts needed to run this example can be found in HANtune\scripts\examples. These are:

  • createDaqList.m
  • getDaqListData.m

Connecting to the MATLAB Engine

Note: You will need to have installed a version of MATLAB® with the Java MATLAB engine.

#Change this to your location of the MATLAB engine
enginePath = "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017b\extern\engines\java\jar\engine.jar"

#Add matlab engine to the classpath
from datahandling import CurrentConfig
#Import matlab engine
from com.mathworks.engine import MatlabEngine

#Initialize matlab engine
engines = MatlabEngine.findMatlab()
engine = MatlabEngine.connectMatlab(engines[0])
#Add engine as a global variable to all interpreters
from nl.han.hantune.scripting import ScriptingManager
ScriptingManager.getInstance().setGlobal("engine", engine)
#Redirect matlab output to HANtune console
from java.lang import System
from nl.han.hantune.scripting import Console

Reading data from a running Simulink model

Set your model

#Change these to the name and location of your model
modelName = 'MyModel'
modelPath = 'C:\Users\Michiel Klifman\Desktop'

#Add folders to MATLAB path
from java.lang import System
scriptPath = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\scripts\examples\MATLAB_Interface"
engine.eval("addpath('" + scriptPath + "')")
engine.eval("addpath('" + modelPath + "')")

Creating a daq list

#Create a daqlist from signals in the model
result = engine.feval(2, 'createDaqList', modelName, 'signals')
daqItemNames = result[0]
daqList = result[1]
daqSize = len(daqList)
#Create a signal for each item in the daq list
signals = []
for name in daqItemNames:
	signal = createSignal(name)
print 'DAQ list created with ' + str(daqSize) + ' items'


#Start the simulation
engine.eval("set_param('" + modelName +"','SimulationCommand','start');")
print 'Simulation started...'

#Read data from the model in Simulink and add it to the signals in HANtune
while (True):
	data = engine.feval('getDaqListData', modelName, daqList, daqSize)
	if not data:

	i = 0
	for value in data:
		signals[i].setValueAndTime(value, 0)
		i += 1

print 'Simulation completed!'