ASAP2 Elements Sidetab

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ASAP2 Elements Side Tab

The ASAP2 elements side tab contains three sections: the list containing parameters and signals, the DAQ list info section and the DAQ list section.

Parameter and Signal list

This section shows the list of parameters and signals belonging to the currently loaded ASAP2 file (see “Project Data” tab).

Multi Select

Multiple Parameters or Signals can be selected to subsequently be dragged and dropped into the layout. To do so, hold the Ctrl key and select the Parameters or Signals needed. To select a range, hold Shift and click the first and last element needed. Hint: drag and drop also works to add signals/parameters to an already existing viewer/editor. Also multi-select and right clicking the selection is an option to quickly add a lot of parameters/signals to a viewer in the layout.

DAQ List info This section shows a list of all DAQlists with their respective name, prescaler, the calculated frequency and a checkbox to (de)activate. This is the place where the DAQlist frequency can be influenced by changing the prescaler. It adheres to the following rule:

DAQfrequency = TargetApp frequency / Prescaler

Where TargetAppfreq stands for the frequency with which the targets’ application runs a complete application cycle.

DAQ lists This section displays a full list of signals currently available in the loaded ASAP2 file. Note that the default DAQlist (D1) always contains the entire set of signals. Every other manually created DAQlist can be edited freely.